At Priston Mill I met Sam and the lads and he was very relaxed. After getting a few shots of him I then captured guests as they started to arrive. It wasn't long until everybody had to take there seats ready for the arrival of Abbey. She arrived in a silver Mercedes-Benz and her bridesmaid's were on hand to help fluff her dress and sort out her flowers. The wedding ceremony went very well, there were a couple of lovely readying and I big kiss to seal the marriage.

My evening started getting special guest messages from family and friends. Afterwards the sparklers were out and two lines were formed. I managed to get some lovely footage and hopefully your agree with the still shots.
There was also photo booth for guests to enjoy. Just before the first dance Abbey got a massive surprise as she had a video message from jamie lawson wishing her and Sam well before The Stiff Upper Lips performed a live first dance. Afterwards the party kicked of with the bands first set and a crowded dance floor. Congratulations Sam and Abbey Lee
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