It was an early start for me and that meant when I went to see Bethany I was able to capture her having her hair styled. There were 5 very helpful brides maids and setting up all of the dresses and shoes was not a problem. Mark had also got Bethany a lovely memory book with some perfume, champagne and chocolates. I then went to meet up with Mark, his sons and best man Barry to see a few final prep shots. The lads were in good spirits and had been busy setting bits up down stairs. Back with Bethany and she was now having her make up applied, I also managed to capture the popping of the champagne and a big cheers shot. Guests were starting to arrive and get a drink from the bar, Mark and the groomsmen got their button holes on and had a few shots outside. The rain was begin to ease and my fingers were crossed it was going to stop. It was a lovely moment capturing Bethany's dad walking in and seeing her for the first time. There were a few tears and lots of tissues being passed amongst the bridesmaids but thankfully Bethany was ok.

After the wedding breakfast the speeches followed, they were very enjoyable and the gest man had put a video together including some famous celebrities from the 90s, Adam Ricketts, Jet from gladiators, Pat Sharp and Chesney Hawkes to name a few. The video went down really well but Mark was on the wrong end of many jokes.
During the evening there was magician Adrian, he wowed guests with lots of different tricks. Funky Photo booths offered fun pictures that had adults and children wearing funny props pulling silly faces. My evening card to an end with the cutting of the cake, first dance and guests filling the dance floor. Congratulations Mark and Beth Eloise Pike x
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