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Matt & Katherine wedding at Eastwood Park

On Sunday 24th March I captured the #wedding of Matthew and Katherine at Eastwood Park. It was a glorious day with sun shine and blue sky. My day started with Katherine at her parents house for bridal preparations. There were hair and make-up stations and upon my arrival Katherine was having the finishing touches to her make-up. 
I went upstairs to capture the dresses, shoes and jewelry, when I had finished Katherine was now on to her hair station. 
Mum had a big box with a number of presents in from Matt. Just before I left for Eastwood Park I captured a cheers shot, but Katherine had a cup of tea with the brides maids each having a glass of Prosecco. At Eastwood Park and the first people I met were Matt and his best man, with top hats and really excited for the day ahead. The ushers and first set of brides maids arrived followed by lots of guests. Toastmaster John led the guests to the ceremony room ready for the arrival of Katherine, dad and her bridal party.
After the wedding guests received a welcome drink and went outside into the gardens. Matt and Katherine then joined everyone before getting into the group shots. During the romantic pictures I was able to set up a vale drop and I can wait to see it in slow motion in the edit. I went into the wedding breakfast room and captured the details, it was a Disney themed wedding and I was lucky enough to have a seat on a table. The food and service was fantastic, Carlos and his team did a fab job. 
The cutting of the cake and speeches followed. I must say that the speeches were very good, some very well thought out lines had guests laughing and other moments had a tear to my eyes. My evening started with getting special guest messages and catching up with a couple of couples who's weddings I had captured 4 and 5 years ago. Once the even room was ready guests took there seats and got to enjoy a sweet cart. Celebration roadshow announced the first dance followed by the dad and daughter dance. The dance floor filled up with the help of the work friends and that kick started a lovely evening. My day come to an end with a fireworks display. Congratulations Matt and Katherine x

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